- Why need she have been having lessons on the sly? 为什么她需要暗地里一直在上课?
- "Why need you go?" said she querulously at length. “你为什么一定要去呢?”她最后含着怨嗔说。
- Lilac: Why need not Chinese exchanges? 为什么不用中文交流?
- Why need ? Cos Python wanna return!!! 为什么需要他?因为巨莽巡逻队要回来了!
- Why need the oligogenics if no people indulge lust? 如果大家都不淫欲,哪还需要计生?
- I don't know why need used 分期 or not to discision buy or not buy now. 平多%24500就差唔多...咁嘅价钱大有插水空间...而家急住买;分期果啲版友好有可能白供一个月...
- If love between both sides can last for age, why need they stay together night and day? 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。
- If love between both sides can last for age, why need they stay together night and way? 两情若是长久时,有岂在朝朝暮暮。
- If fate would carry off in death or downfall all those who were timed to go, why need she trouble? 既然所有注定要离去的人都逃脱不了命中注定的死亡或灭亡,那么她还有什么必要操那份心呢?
- Product why need to be divided to send out three times, but can't 1 time finish sending. “为什么产品需要分三次寄出,而不能一次性寄完。这样我们就需要付三次邮递费用。”有哪位高手可以帮我翻译一下。
- If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day? 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。--《鹊桥仙》秦观
- But I think again, why need not will this issue try his to you can arrive restrainedly what degree? 可我又想,何不用这件事来试试自己能忍耐到什么程度?
- If a man have his wife, he can talk and share his emotion with her, why need another female? It must be something wrong happened between this couple. 如果一个男人有妻子,他会跟她交流和分享情感,为什么需要另外一个女人?那一定是在这对夫妻之间发生了什么事情。
- It's your word, your brain, your ears, your hallucination, even your mental masturbation, why need others to be your judgment? 诗人杜甫说过“功夫在诗外”。这就是一些“音乐人”一听到哲学的、神学的或数学的音乐声音就紧张的原因。
- If a man have his wife, he can talk and share his emotions with her, why need another female? There must be something wrong happened between this couple. 如果一个男人有妻子,他会跟她交流和分享情感,为什么需要另外一个女人?那一定是在这对夫妻之间发生了什么事情。
- In all other rules, the player is forced to go through the complicated procedure, such as in RIF rule the placement of 3 stones by first player (why need?! (而)在其他规则里,棋手们被迫要经历这一复杂的步骤,就比如RIF规则里面,要求先手的棋手首先定下前面3手的位置(为什么要这样?
- Why need we blush for that? 难道我们应该为这个害羞吗?
- Why need a lawyer for MOU? 为什么要由律师来起草备忘录?
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea? 你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?